Jacobs, Bas (2002). "An Investigation of Education Finance Reform. Income
Contingent Loans and Graduate Taxes in the Netherlands", CPB Discussion Paper
No. 9, The Hague: CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Research.
Jacobs, Bas (2002). "Equity Participation in het Hoger Onderwijs",
Economisch Statistische Berichten, 4367, 484-487.
CPB (2003), Macroeconomische Verkenning 2004, speciaal onderwerp:
Studiefinanciering Volgens het Boekje, Den Haag: CPB.
Jacobs, Bas, en Erik Canton (2003). "Effecten van de Invoering van een
Sociaal Leenstelsel in het Nederlands Hoger Onderwijs", CPB Document No. 39,
Oktober 2003, The Hague: CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis.
The simulations are run in Stata (version 6 or higher) with the following data:
To compute various policies (loans, graduate taxes, income contingent loans) in Jacobs (2002) and CPB (2003), execute the following files in Stata in the same directory where the simulation data are:
Income contingent loans: icl.do
Note that variables are denoted in old Dutch Guilders!
In Jacobs and Canton (2003) more policy proposals are computed:
Income contingent loans with a threshold on repayments: drempel.do
Income contingent loans as in the Australian system without interest: aus.do
Income contingent loans as in the Australian system with interest: aus_r.do
Computation of equivalent subsidy on educational costs when interest is fully subsidized: rente.do
Note that most variables are converted in Euros!
Please, contact me (bjacobs@ese.eur.nl) in case you have questions, discovered errors, or problems with running the files.